Promoting your clothing collection
Why not read out or play our poem ‘Bag it or bin it?’ at assembly before handing out the recycling bags?
Bag it or bin it?
It seemed a trivial thing to do..
To give away my party shoe.
I hadn’t worn them for a while
They seemed to me – so – out of style.
So when my mum said “chuck them in”
I did so with a wryly grin
Better I thought – than in the bin.
As time went by I soon forgot
The thoughtlessness of my cast off.
I watched the news and was bemused!!
I thought I saw MY pair of shoes
Dancing on some happy feet
Where music and laughter and poverty meet.
The shoes that once had graced my feet
Were dancing on another street
The heels still kicking the soles reborn
A second life granted – and so gratefully worn.
Play the video
Can you do better?
Why not send your own recycling poem to for a chance to feature on our website?
Get Started

Arrange a day
Arrange a FREE Recycle 4 School Day now and start raising funds for your school or chosen cause!

Request a BoxDrop
Request your FREE Recycle 4 School BoxDrop today and start raising funds for your school or chosen cause!

Request external bank
Request your FREE external recycling bank now and start raising funds for your school or chosen cause!